January 2008
I was so lucky to have spent New Years on Carcass Island in the Falklands with Rob and Loraine McGill. It was such a wonderful place and an amazing way to ring in the New Year. I took this Southern Elephant Seal image on January 1, 2008. He seems to me that he is contemplating his New Years Resolution... I'm sure it was something along the lines of "Eat More Fish."

February 2008
It wasn't cold enough for me in the Falklands so in February I headed up to Montana and Wyoming. I had one extra day and so I spent it cruising the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone, hoping to see a coyote or fox. It was snowing like crazy when I saw the Druid Wolf Pack. They were far across the valley but I managed a few shots with my 600mm lens and 2x teleconvertor. My first wild wolves makes this image so special to me.

Still not cold enough I ventured up to Homer, Alaska where I met an incredible lady, Jean Keene. Her love for these eagles is inspiring.

April 2008
I thought the snow was done! I headed out to find a Greater-Praire Chicken Lek in Minnesota. The day I arrived it was sunny and the brown grasses were glowing on the plain. The next morning when I awoke the snow was thigh deep. I'm glad I made it out of bed!

May 2008
In May I finally got a break from the snow. I dragged my husband and his family back up to Alaska with me. We had an amazing time hiking in the forest near Juneau and discovering some wonderful restaurants in Sitka.

June 2008
We ended our land-based tour in May and headed into the Icy Straits and Glacier Bay National Park on a small American Safari cruise. I loved the color of the kayaks as they were made ready for us each morning... I did NOT love rolling one of these kayaks in the frigid waters one morning.

July 2008
Something different for me... most of the time I can't get my family to sit still for me to practice taking portraits. I think the inner ham of my father-in-law finally broke free when I got him to pose like a hit man. I know he would never hurt a fly... well.. ok maybe a fly but definately not any higher life forms and I think that's why this image makes me smile whenever I look at it.

August 2008
Back to Alaska! What can I say, it's a wildlife photographers paradise up there! There is nothing quite like staring a huge grizzly bear in the eye through your camera and suddenly realizing that you have a short lens!!!!!

September 2008
September brought me my very first up-close, SHARP, humpback lunge feeding in British Columbia. Remembering the moment still sends chills down my spine!

October 2008
A rough day at sea is still better than any day in an office in my opinion. On a trip out to the Farallon Island we were so lucky to see this beautiful Leatherback sea turtle. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love turtles!

November 2008
I am so enchanted by polar bears... I couldn't believe my luck when mom and both cubs stood in unison to check out a big male approaching from behind us. I really have to thank my friend Chas Glatzer for teaching me the value of always being prepared to capture what nature might hand to you. Out of 17 people on the buggy I think only 3 of us were ready to capture this special moment.

December 2008
I lucked out and managed to get a cancelled spot on an Oceanic Society trip to Midway Atoll. My friend Enrique and I covered the entire island inch by inch and came away with some amazing images. These Black-footed Albatross were my absolute favorite.

It was so hard to choose but I think these are going to be the images of 2008 that stick with me for a lifetime. So I say a fond farewell to 2008 and I am more eager than ever to start my new adventures in 2009!
Fantastic photos Rebecca! I can't wait to see what you capture this coming year. I also look forward to checking in to your blog on a regular basis. I hope you add to it regularly.
Thanks Jim... I write whenever I photograph.... if 2009 is anything like 2008 that should happen a lot!
I love your photos, especially the Polar Bears. Someday I want to go to Churchill to photograph them and I can't wait for that day to come! May I add your blog to my links on my blog? I would love to add you. I will be back to see new post. :)
Thank you very much Michelle! By all means you may add my blog to your list. I appreciate it! Hope you make it up to Churchill - it's a pretty amazing spot.
Amazing work Rebecca. I love the wolf image. I know the "market" traditionally loves the closeups etc, but I love animals-in-the-landscape shots - and can only imagine the giddiness in capturing that one.
Congrats on a great 2008.
I love your photos, especially the Polar Bears. Someday I want to go to Churchill to photograph them and I can't wait for that day to come!
digital photography
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